in memoriam ...
psychedelic folk rock in its finest hour
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The Group Members

Bassplayer Frank Daiminger
Bassplayer Frank Daiminger

Frank Daiminger - Bass, Percussion, Backing Vocals

Bass player Frank began his musical life with a strange stringed instrument known only in the bavarian backwoods and resembling some sort of a harp. Since 1991 he plays bass in a number of munich bands (‘Rubber Duck’, ‘Lemon Curry’ and others); since 1994 he’s dedicated to ‘Fuckin Wild’ only. Frank about his view of the cosmos:

„The fusion of elementary power and driving dynamic with the rhythm of life, omnipresent as an expression of a fundamental desire for truth and fulfillment.
Mainly because of this endless longing of mine I turned towards the electric bass some time ago. Ever since then I could channel my energies. I was and still am captured by its infinite flowing stream of sounds, an harmonic wake of penetration noone can escape.
Through this I’m reaching lands behind consciousness and can reach people to communicate my reality to them. For my foe is isolation. I’m fighting against the overwhelming technocracy of our lifes, against the increasing dehumanisation in our society and environment and against the loss of our origins.“

(Never mind if this sounds strange to you in English, it sounds strange in German too. Try to meditate on it - Rochus)

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Copyright © 2006 by Fuckin Wild • Website by mikroH Websolutions