Album Kritiken


FUCKIN WILD - The Raven’s Cry (ArtVoice 4740)

Do not be put off by the name of the band, I cannot un-derstand why they have adopted this embarrassing label because they are not, they are tame, more of the rock’n’roll All About Eve as opposed to the intensely fu-rious and feral thrashings of Slayer, Anal Cunt or even Motorhead. this music is extremely beautiful, classical guitars to envy, the vocals extremely dramatic and full of soul in their delivery. They create an almost rock-opera which could easily be identified with the Italian dark pro-gressives that one would expect to find on Black Widow records. I am afraid they are not overtly psychedelic, more progressive rock with a prominent folk element. This stuff is excellent and even stranger is the fact that they are from Germany which tends to produce a lot of cringeworthy garbage. Eye-watering melodies in the soul-exposing ‘City Of Love’, just about within the borderline of the corny plati-tude. Forget the old metal band such as Warlock/Doro Pesch and Helloween, these if we insert them into this category, are far more outstanding. It is when the guitar break arrives when we can pinpoint their influences, the freak-out part of Led Zeppelin’s ‘Stairway To Heaven’ and the arousing riffs of Hendrix’s ‘All Along the Watchtower’. ‘You And Me’ resembles early Iron Maiden, wah wah riffing, even the lyrics are similar to those found in the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, and yet the harmonies at the end of the song, including the symbiotic power of the bass and drums take you into the realms of Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver, and early Dead. It’s not fuckin’ wild although it’s fuckin brilliant. (Astro Zombie Magazine, Issue #7 1997)

F***N WILD - The Raven’s Cry

From Munich, this bunch of freaking wild rockers has a simple philosophy: "...wild, erotic, psychedelic, fantastic and aggressive... butterflies in our brains and flowers in our hair... leaning towards free love and psychedelic revo-lution...admiring the blues and the hippies.... electric bards, story tellers, roaming people". This 60’s philosophy is greatly enhanced by their psyche-delic music which is ECSTATIC ! This is a German discovery that is worth exploring. Hig-hly recommended to those who lived through or would like to get a true taste of the 60’s. Pure unadulterated, psyche-delic delicacy from F. Wild ( (Stavros Moschopoulos in "Notable CD's Column", FAO CASA Magazine, July 97 Issue)

FUCKIN WILD-The Raven's Cry

Gleich beim ersten Stück fällt die saubere Produktion auf, da waren Fachleute am Werk, haarscharfe Kanaltrennun-gen, sauberste Töne aus den entlegensten Bereichen des Globus dringen klar und deutlich ans Ohr, so muß es sein, wenn Zuhören richtig Spaß machen soll. Ist die Drehleier einmal angeschmissen, verbreiten die Musiker um Anja Fritzsche und Rochus Honold nur noch große Klasse. "Bring Back The Light" zum Beispiel erinnert stark an Krokodils beste Phase Anfang 1971, schadet aber nicht, hat nämlich noch genug Eigenleben. Insgesamt verbreitet The Raven's Cry eine eigenartige mystische Atmosphäre durch -vorsichtig ausgedrückt- Psycho-Pop (im positiven Sinne versteht sich) mit Rockelementen. Jedes Stück ist auch für den Laien leicht in seine Einzelteile zerlegbar und ermöglicht so die Kontrolle der Leistungsfähigkeit jedes einzelnen Bandmitgliedes. Die brauchen aber weder Blut noch Wasser zu schwitzen, wenn HANF!-Leser ihr Urteil fällen und das heißt: bestellungswürdig!. (Hanf!-Journal 4/97)

FUCKIN WILD-The Raven's Cry

Erstaunlich. 96'er Acid-Rock aus Deutschland. Der gar einmal an Bands wie Kaleidoscope erinnert mit der orien-talischen Melodieführung der (sehr guten und effektvol-len!) Gitarre. Aber auch schon mal ein wenig an engli-schen Folk-Rock oder Experimental-Psyche. Etwas statische Drums, dafür eine sehr ausdrucksvolle Power-Sängerin. (Soundhouse 12/96)

FUCKIN WILD-The Raven's Cry

Stunning new psychedelic release from Germany's Fuckin Wild - for lovers of Not Quite's sense of dark gothic style with great female vocals and also influenced by Led Zep and The Doors. (Delerium's Psychedelic Web 11/96)

FUCKIN WILD-The Raven's Cry

I realize that image is a necessity in the performing arts but up until now I have never seen a bandmember that has vampire fangs. Anja Fritzsche has a voice that sounds similar to Janis Joplin. It was wild to listen to this band because several of the songs sounded so different I thought it was a different group. I had never been familiar with German rockbands so it was an interesting experience to listen to Fuckin Wild. (181.4 Degrees From The Norm 12/96)